
Friday 29 November 2013


Eleven as a number holds some qualities like sensitivity, endurance, righteousness, holiness among others. 

That is why it makes people who are born in the month of eleven to be knowledgeable in teaching and inspiring others. 

In the biblical aspect, the number eleven is seen as incomplete, disorder and imperfection. 

In Genesis 11, men rebelled against God and built the tower of Babel. God judged them by confusing their language, resulting in chaos. 

In the eleventh year of Zedekiah, the last king of Judah, God executed His final judgment against Judah with the complete destruction of Jerusalem and the temple and the exile of the remaining Jews to Babylon.

Johoiakim reigned eleven years when Nebuchadnezzar came up and began his disintegrating work on Jerusalem (2Kings 23:36, 24:1; 2Chronicles 36:5,6).

Zedekiah reigned eleven years when Nebuchadnezzar completed the work by putting an end to Israel's rule in Jerusalem (2Chronicles 36:11; Jeremiah 52:1), for "in the eleventh year the city was broken up" (Jeremiah 39:2).

Judges 17:2, etc., connected with the introduction of idolatry into Israel, which brought with it trouble and disintegration; added to God's order and ordinances for them; and in the end caused the ruin and loss of all government.

The apostle John also saw 11 things in connection with the final judgment (Revelation 20:12-14). These sayings amongst others in the bible signify the imperfection of the number eleven.

Originally the month of November was the ninth month in the Roman calendar which had it name as "novem" from the Latin word until when the Gregorian calendar was accepted by the catholic countries.

There is no exception to the month of November when it comes to birthstones and birth flowers.
For the month of November, its birthstone is Topaz which is known as the stone of wealth and is believed to promote joy and be useful against depression. Its symbolism is optimism, energetic, health, prosperity and loyalty.

With the birth flower it is the Chrysanthemum meaning love and Happiness.  

There is no month without any activities. Some of the activities experienced within the month of November are ; Veterans Day, World Diabetes Day, Thanksgiving Day, American Indian Heritage Month, Good Nutrition Month, Aviation Month, American Diabetes Awareness Month, National Peanut Butter Lover's Month just to mention but few.

One of America’s greatest heroes, Abraham Lincoln (Civil Rights Activist and Lawyer) became the 16th President of the United States, on November 1860.

Did you also know that, this America born son was also a wrestler. In 300 matches he was defeated only once and he is enshrined in the wrestling Hall of Fame. 

It was on this same month that Abraham Lincoln married his wife Mary Todd in Springfield, Illinois.

On November 6, 1860, Henry VI was crowned King of England at age eight. He had acceded to the throne at the age of nine months following the death of Charles VI.

Pope John XXIII who became the 261st Pope of the Roman Catholic Church in 1958 was born on November 25, 1881, in Sotto il Monte, Italy. During his reign, he convened the Second Vatican Council which modernized the mass and increased openness to other religions and denominations.

Did you know that, the one who invented the game of basketball, James Naismith was also born on November 1861 in Almonte, Ontario, Canada.

Quote for the month of November

“November comes
And November goes,
With the last red berries
And the first white snows.

With night coming early,
And dawn coming late,
And ice in the bucket
And frost by the gate.
The fires burn
And the kettles sing,
And earth sinks to rest
Until next spring.”
Clyde Watson

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